Title I Documents (2023-24)
Title 1 Documents & Key Information for families at Nawayee Center School:
If you are experiencing housing instability,
There are supports available to promote school stability and academic success for students. Eligible students are protected under the McKinney-Vento Act and have the right to:
Stay in the same school.
Automatically qualify for free school meals.
Immediately enroll in school without education records, immunization records, or proof of residency.
Participate fully in school activities.
Get school transportation, even across district lines.
Receive other educational services.
Housing Stability Resources:
Hennepin County Emergency Housing Assistance — Rent and mortgage assistance for COVID-related income loss.
211 — 651-291-0211 or text your zip code to 898-211* — Information on resources for a variety of needs.
Tenant Resource Center — 612-302-3180 — A collaborative resource for Hennepin County tenant needs, including those facing an eviction or loss of housing.
Hennepin County Community Resources — Local resources and help for a variety of needs.
Emergency Shelter Resources:
Information on Hennepin County shelter information can be found here.
Mary’s Place does intake for family shelter M-Th, 10:00-1:00. Families seeking shelter should bring their family (including the children) to Sharing & Caring Hands, 525 N. 7th Street for intake.
Domestic violence emergency shelter information can be found here.
Youth-specific resources and shelter can be found through the YSN website or app.
Questions or need assistance connecting with these or other support services?
Please reach out to the designated social worker for our school:
Jenne Widemeier | 612-668-5448 or jenne.widemeier@mpls.k12.mn.us